Welcome to Mallikarjun Vidyapeeth Thal, Pithoragarh...
Mallikarjun Vidya PeethMallikarjun Vidya PeethMallikarjun Vidya Peeth
+91 96342 8328
Pithoragarh, 262552

About us:

Welcome to Mallikarjun Vidyapeeth

In the year 2016, president Mr. Harish Chandra joshi and secretary Mr. Bhaskaranand Joshi purchased the land near vill-Gole,Tehsil-Thal, District-Pithoragarh for the construction of the school and they made a registered trust which was named as “Mallikarjun Vidyapeeth Educational and charitable Trust”.

Mr. Rudrakash Joshi
Mrs. Rachna Joshi

Quick Enquiry

From the desk of Administration

Mr.Harish Joshi
- President

Dear parents and students,

It is well said that “A pen is the mightier than the sword”. We truly believe that education can bring a huge change in the life of mankind. Therefore Read More….

Mr. Bhaskaranand joshi

Dear parents and students,

 With immense pride and great pleasure, we welcome you to the Mallikarjun vidyapeeth Thal. We truly believe that education is a process by Read More….

Mr. Umesh Joshi
- Principal

Education plays an important role in enabling a person to face a real life situation with adequate knowledge. That’s why we truly believe that “Teaching is a noble profession” and it’s our missionRead More….

We are dedicated to satisfy Student's

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)