Welcome to Mallikarjun Vidyapeeth Thal, Pithoragarh...
Mallikarjun Vidya PeethMallikarjun Vidya PeethMallikarjun Vidya Peeth
+91 96342 8328
Pithoragarh, 262552

History of the school

In the year 2016, president Mr. Harish Chandra joshi and secretary Mr. Bhaskaranand Joshi purchased the land near vill-Gole,Tehsil-Thal, District-Pithoragarh for the construction of the school and they made a registered trust which was named as “Mallikarjun Vidyapeeth Educational and charitable Trust”. Keeping in mind the backwardness of the rural area the trust decided to open a school in vill-Gole, Tehsil-Thal, district-Pithoragarh which is situated 4 km away from the town known as Thal and 75 km from district-Pithoragarh. The school has it’s own registered land of 22 Nali (1 Acre). In the year 2015 the construction of the building was started and was completed in the year 2016 and the name of the school was given as “Mallikarjun vidyapeeth, Thal” and from the year 2016 (1st April) the classes came into existence from classes 1st to 5th and in the year 2017-2018 the school got its affiliation from the state government up to class 8th. At present the total strength of the students is near about 300 and 17 staff and there is no school CBSE is nearby or even up to the distance of 30 km, so in the appeal of the parents and guardians of the students, the trust members of the school decided to start the higher classes i.e 9th to 10th and for that a school needs the permission and affiliation of CBSE. So it is herth requested that it will be considered by, so that in the future the school will be identified as Senior Secondary School.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)