Welcome to Mallikarjun Vidyapeeth Thal, Pithoragarh...
Mallikarjun Vidya PeethMallikarjun Vidya PeethMallikarjun Vidya Peeth
+91 96342 8328
Pithoragarh, 262552

Principal's message

Education plays an important role in enabling a person to face a real life situation with adequate knowledge. That’s why we truly believe that “Teaching is a noble profession” and it’s our mission to provide a quality oriented education. Mallikarjun vidyapeeth Thal is trying to make the best possible way to provide quality education along with moral and social values. Let’s come and join hands with us so that we could make our next generation responsible, patriot and morally sound.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)